*LIMITED STOCK* Apologies to Mr. Gottlieb (2023 reissue) 1xCD
For the first time on CD! Cordelia Record's 2023 release of R. Stevie Moore's 1974 Nashville home-recorded album.
"Moore has not entirely forsaken his progressive rock tendencies, however, as evinced by the surprisingly appealing album-length rock opera "Apologies to Mr. Gottlieb" that takes up a full half of this two-disc set. A playfully obscure fable about the music industry that unfolds over the course of 17 songs, instrumentals, tape-loop freak-outs, and spoken word interludes, the work is as a whole much less pretentious than the likes of Tales From Topographic Oceans. In fact, its daffy surrealism and charmingly DIY quality links it to lo-fi concept albums that would come a good quarter century later like the Music Tapes' First Imaginary Symphony for Nomad or Masters of the Hemisphere's I Am Not a Freemdoom." ~~ Stewart Mason, AlMusicGod
**PLEASE NOTE this CD ships from Canada**